Monday, January 11, 2010

The bullshit registration

Ok. After making endless drafts concerning another subject. I had to ran an errand with a friend of mine after bring stressed out, my orginal thought was to vent the fuck out and let loose. But I realized it could've been worse and D. (college buddy) wouldn't have helped me so. I decided to be grateful BUT I did tell NaturallyAlise that I would speak on this. so...

*Deep Breath*

So Today...well yesterday (January 11th) I had to register for the spring semester at N.Y.C.C.T. (New York City College of Technology) and D. being a good friend to a friend in need helped me out with a fucking library fine that was preventing me from registering for class online. Despite the fact I only passed one class this past semester so they made me wait last with all the classes that I needed was taken.  So after meeting D. we head inside, and wait to see an advisor...I should've taken pics but dammit to hell it was a fucking rat race as Daniel refers random students running to a seat to register. Of course I snatched a seat and got it over with.  and met with financial aid. Semi-Quick and painless managed to get everything done within 45 minutes to an hour. 

Nothing to bitch about right?


When D. & I arrived at our respectable homes. I made a Bee-Line for my laptop and assumed I would register full time and get it over with. I'm a Human Services Major and have to take Intro to Human Services (which I failed)  and I was told I would have to take Biology among other courses. Fine. This time I wont  take weekend classes. I get on

And log in and start registering. I look for available Biology courses. and I see this bullshit.

GODDAMIT! Can you let a bitch be great?!

So I run this by D. who is also having the same problem I was still 3 credits (1 class) short of becoming full time. So  fuck biology! I thought well as long as I can take spanish...cause a bitch wanna learn what you disrespectful spainards say when talking about someone in a different language. I look up "Elementary Spanish"...

I see this bullshit! My day has went "decent" to downright fucking wrong.

Now I wouldnt have made this blog had NYCCT:

  1. Beg and scrape for coins so I can get the library impound lifted so I can register
  2. Let me register in December so I can take all needed class.
But NOOOOOOOO. Make a bitch wait two weeks before class begins. To make it worse I'm sure something else is gonna happen.

But DONT WORRY I'm going to wreck havoc if something should occur between Now till January 28th.